
By exploring below, you agree to the terms and conditions that you clearly didn’t read on your way here. Don’t bother going back to look for them now, the moment’s gone.

You should know something when exploring the contents of this site. Text is a terrible form of communication. Not texting, text. What you’re reading now. It’s terrible. You’re better off listening to a podcast. At least then you can hear my inflection and interpret the intricacies of communication beyond just the words I use. However, by forcing you to read, I get your undivided attention. You can’t (safely) read and go for a walk or read and cook dinner the way you can with audio/video. Everything else being equal, writing is a difficult way to communicate, but hopefully you’ll find the content here engaging beyond what you can get from other forms of media. At the very least I hope something makes you laugh or you learn something new. (I won’t hold out hope for both at once.)

Thank you!